Objective :
To bring innovative & affordable education and health products, so as to make education and health in reach of every Indian.
Genesis :
Bureau For Health And Education Status Upliftment - {Constitutionally Entitled As Health-Education, Bureau} is Indian philanthropic organisation (Reg. No: 17D0105798). The bureau was started with the blessings of former President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam. It's prime aim is to bring innovative & affordable education and health products, so as to make education and health in reach of every Indian.
Presently we are promoting softwares like Ex Pharm -(Experimental Pharmacology)- Series, Ex Physio -(Experimental Physiology)- Series, English Wordsworth Language Lab, AHMS (Ayu- Hosp- Manage-Soft), Digi Frog & Plag Check Software & Journals like Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, CASS Studies, Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry, OSOPOM Journal etc. we also maintain databases like SCA (supreme court analysis) in addition to that BHESU also organises health and education conferences.
The Software is useful for learning English language. Software is specially designed for various category students which covers different language lab modules.
CASS Studies is a architecture specialty journal of India, it is published on biannual frequency (addendums in every 10 days)
Publishes research & review articles. It is indexed with reputed indexing databases.
This is a computer-assisted automated web based ultra plagiarism check software containing the process of locating the main instances of plagiarism within a work or document.
Digi-Granth is comprehensive web-based library management and automation software with additional facility of multi-location and multi-site management.
"Ex Pharm" Software
Virtual Software, usefull for Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) of Pharmacology Experiment, by this simulation software the Experiments can be easily performed on computer virtually. It is being promoted in India & abroad.
"Ex Physio" Software
Virtual Software, useful for Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) of Physiology experiments, by this simulation software the experiments can be done & performed on computer virtually.
Virtual Software, Usefull for Diff. Animal Dissections, By this Dissections of Different Animals can be Performed on Computer. It is being marketed in india & abroad under the ageis of Health Education Bureau.
ISSN NO-2348-7704
JOHP publishes research & review articles, it is published on quarterly frequency (addendums in every 10 days)Available in print and online Mode.
ISSN NO: 2582-0362
JOPD is Dental Science Journal, which publishes research & review articles.
ISSN NO: 2582-0648
Journal of Research in Indian Medicine mainly publishes research and also review articles. It is available in print and online both forms on subscription.
CASS-HOM is the is the leading homeopathy Journal. It publishes Research & Review articles. It is indexed with reputed databases
ISSN NO:2582-6883
JOSOPOM is the Dental Science Journal with quality articles of research & review in nature. It is available in print & online mode.
Online Database, publishes law Sector updates, gets synchronized continuously, available in online Form only.
Innovative Web Based Electronic Health Records, (EHR) System Software, Usefull for Ayurveda Hospitals, That can be Accessed on Internet.It helps in maintenance of the recouds of ayurvedic hospital as per regulatory guidelines.
Innovative Software for Hospital Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy & Retail Pharmacy Management. It helps in maintenance of records of pharmaceutical products inventory and also provides drug information resources.

publish database like Supreme Court Analysis in addition to that Journals
are also published by BHESU
We publish
Journals like JOHP, JRIM, JOPD, JRIH and OSOPOM, CASSS etc to publish research
and review articles. Journals are published in different frequencies. Journals
are available in print and online mode.
We provide softwares learning softwares like Ex-Pharm Series, Ex Physio Series & Digi frog & EWL(English Language Lab)
We also provide hospital mangement softwares like AYUHOSP & HOMEOHOSP.
With Plag Check (Plagiarism Checking) and Lib Manage (Library Management) etc. Softwares.
organise seminars, conference & Health awareness programmes regularly.Conference
such as Edu Expo & Digi Pharm provides a platform to experts to interact
and to explore opportunities. Wheres Education
& Health Awareness Programmes makes peoples more concious about the
specific domains.